REACH is excited to announce that we will have a presence in the 2014 Boston Marathon! A good friend of our organization, Erica, is running this year’s Marathon to raise funds for REACH. We asked her to tell you in her own words a little about herself and why she is running for REACH:
I grew up in New England. As a result, the Boston Marathon holds a special place in my heart.
Running is probably my favorite hobby. I also love hiking, swimming, and strength training. The beach is one of my favorite places. I treasure time with family and friends and my sweet cats. I am also really into cooking and trying new recipes.
I started running four years ago, in an effort to transform my health. I had been walking for exercise and one cold morning in February decided to see if I could run to the next block. I did it and added distance each morning. I signed up for my first 5K, with the plan of only finishing it. I loved the experience and kept running. In the last four years, I have run three marathons (Richmond, Burlington Vermont, and a very rainy Hampton Beach Marathon), seven half marathons, three Tufts 10Ks, and many other 5Ks!
I want to run for REACH because I wholeheartedly believe in their mission, their ways of working with survivors, their recognition of the impact of domestic violence on children, their focus on social justice, their ability to work with survivors to decrease isolation and create safety and community. REACH does powerful life saving work in so many different ways. I am so honored to run for REACH.
When you donate to my marathon fundraiser, you are another voice of safety, another voice joining the movement to end domestic violence, another voice that says to anyone who has endured abuse: you will be believed, supported and valued.
Follow Erica’s training updates and donate to her efforts by checking out her Crowdrise page!