October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and REACH is keeping busy within the community! Check out some of the events that are happening during DVAM.
October 1 and 10: Alternative Summer Training for Waltham High School PAVE Peer Leaders
October 9: WHS PAVE Peer Leaders leading an activity at Waltham Fields Mobile Outreach Market
October 12: “How to Talk to your Kids about Relationships” presentation for Mom to Mom at Trinitarian Congregational Church in Wayland
October 13: Reach for the Stars Gala
October 17: “Domestic Violence and its effects the Workplace” presentation for Waltham Rotary Club
October 17: Beyond Shelter: Support Services Available for Survivors of Domestic Violence REACH will be moderating a panel featuring several other programs, including Transition House, Renewal House, The Network/La Red, Casa Myrna, ATASK, and the Tenant Advocacy Project
October 25th: Reclaiming Our Voices Panel of Survivor Speakers Bureau members
October 25: Open meeting with PAVE Peer Leaders (open to Waltham High School students and staff)
October 27: REACH Table at Waltham Fall Fest with WHS PAVE Peer Leaders