Reach for the Stars Pivots to a Virtual Event

For 16 years, the Reach for the Stars Gala has been a night to celebrate the work to end domestic and sexual violence. We have gathered annually in hotel ballrooms for an evening of auction bidding, dinner, dancing, and a compelling program. The voices of survivors have helped to bring domestic violence out of the shadows and into the light – delivering hope and healing to so many.

This year with the COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented times we are facing each day, we have made the decision to pivot our 17th Annual Reach for the Stars Gala to a virtual format from the traditional in-person gathering in a hotel ballroom. This change reflects the organization’s careful and thoughtful consideration, and our realization that even with any modifications to restrictions on gatherings, many attendees will be reluctant to congregate in a closed space with 400+ other individuals.  

This pivot is new and exciting but we know that much work remains to deliver a fantastic event on Saturday, October 17, 2020. REACH and our professional event planning partner, AE Events, are working diligently to understand best practices for virtual events such that we deliver an engaging, memorable, and successful event for all.  

Even with this pivot, a few incontrovertible facts remain: 

  • Your support of REACH is more important than ever. As the uncertainty in our economy and the demand for pandemic response continues, we face potentially decreased operating support from public and private sources. You know how much our work matters for so many families and our communities.
  • Demand for REACH’s and other domestic violence agencies’ services are at historic levels during this time of pandemic, as I’m sure you’ve read in the media. Stay at home orders, closed schools and camps, job losses – families struggling with domestic violence or trying to get free from an abusive relationship are experiencing increased challenges and danger. And as the state continues to open up, we anticipate the calls for service will grow exponentially. 
  • The cost of delivering REACH’s services are significantly higher than usual due to COVID.  For example, we estimate steps required to safely adapt to this time will cost REACH more than $200,000 in 2020, above and beyond our normal operating costs. This additional cost is driven largely by the need to relocate families in our shelter to hotels to mitigate the risk associated with congregate living, plus there are additional cleaning needs, and desperately needed direct assistance for families who have lost jobs and face increasing costs for basic needs.

Become a sponsor and help us raise awareness of REACH and this important work. Your sponsorship will provide critical funding for our programs. You can find the sponsorship opportunities here. An additional option for individuals is to be a Table Host, a wonderful way to introduce friends and family to a cause that is important to you. This opportunity, at $3,000, entitles you to 7 ticketing links** to the Gala with private virtual rooms for you and your guests during the cocktail hour.

Domestic violence affects all of us. Every day at REACH, we are supporting survivors who experience domestic violence and collaborating in classrooms and communities to promote healthy relationships. The companies and individuals who invest in REACH are showing that they are committed to standing with survivors and finding solutions. The work is different and difficult at this time, and we are here every day. We are reaching beyond domestic violence. 

Reach with us.