We are thrilled to launch our new video series to help bring information and dialogue about domestic violence prevention into your homes, schools, workplaces, community groups, and faith communities.
In the first installment, our Director of Prevention Programs, Jessica Teperow, gives an introduction to domestic violence to help deepen and broaden your understanding about what domestic violence is. Check it out here.
In the second installment, our Community Engagement Specialist, Lauren Montanaro, answers one of the most common questions we receive: If I am concerned about a friend, family member, or neighbor that may be experiencing abuse in their relationship, what do I do? What do I say? You can watch it here.
In the third installment, our Director of Prevention Programs, Jessica Teperow and Shelter Advocate, Katiana Nicolas, take a deeper dive into technology abuse including what it may look like, some warning signs to look out for, and strategies that friends and family can utilize to support someone they care about through the use of technology. Check it out here.
To stay up to date on the video series and other happenings at REACH, make sure to like and follow us on Facebook.