Responding to ICE Presence in Waltham – Know Your Rights

On January 31, 2025, REACH was notified of confirmed activity from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency within the Waltham, Massachusetts area. If you encounter ICE agents or if they attempt to gain entry to your place of residence, please remember the following safety and legal protocols. Also, please exercise caution and only report confirmed instances of ICE presence.

For additional information about the rights afforded to immigrants, please contact the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition. You can find their contact info as well as additional support and safety planning resources over at their website,

  • You don’t have to open your door just because someone claims they’re from ICE – ICE agents are only allowed to enter your residence if they have a judicial warrant that’s been issued by a judge, and which includes your name and address along with the judge’s signature. If they request entry, ask them to slide the warrant under your door so you can read it first. An ICE administrative warrant (such as Form I-200 or Form I-205) is NOT sufficient for granting access to a home or residence.
  • You can exercise your right to remain silent – Anything you say out loud can be used against you in a potential immigration case. It is within your right to not say anything if you don’t want to.
  • You don’t have to sign anything – ICE agents might try to pressure you into signing a document or a warrant. You don’t have to sign anything, and you’re advised not to without an attorney present.
  • You can record the presence of ICE agents – If ICE agents attempt to detain or arrest someone in your presence, you're allowed to take pictures, record video, and write down notes as long as you make it known you’re doing so (don’t attempt to conceal such actions).
  • You have the right to legal representation – No matter your current immigration status, you have the right to be represented by an attorney, regardless of what ICE agents may try to tell you.