Support REACH’s Holiday Gift Program 2022

With the weather cooling down, we are quickly approaching the holiday season.  

Every year we are left speechless by the overwhelming generosity of our donors who make the holidays so much brighter for those who have survived abuse. Last year alone, we were able to provide holiday gifts to over 300 families (equaling over 900 people!)

For the past two years, we have provided gift cards to families as opposed to physical items. We have received such positive feedback from those we support, that we have decided to supply Target gift cards once again this year.

Domestic abuse is about power and control. Giving survivors the opportunity to choose their own gifts is in line with our mission to empower survivors and give them choices to help them regain control of their lives. Gift cards also provide equity in the gifts provided for all our families and allow our staff to focus on what matters most – supporting survivors.

We are hoping to provide at least $100 in Target gift cards for each person in the family. Donors may choose the family size they are willing to sponsor (single individual, adult and one child, adult and two children, adult and three children, etc.) and either purchase physical gift cards in $25, $50, or $100 increments or donate through our website for the Holiday Gift Program and we will purchase the gift cards on your behalf.

If you are interested in participating in the Holiday Gift Program, please reach out to We would like to collect all Target gift cards by Tuesday, November 29th so we can distribute them to families during the week of December 5-10 to ensure folks have enough time to shop before the holidays. As always, we appreciate your ongoing support!