Written by Waltham High School PAVE Peer Leaders Mavis, Mina Alkhafaji, Nicole Jacobs Marques, Tia Patel, Xavier

In January, PAVE (Peers Against Violence Educators) officers facilitated a virtual two-day Winter Training for our newest members. Training topics included boundaries, consent, characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, types of abuse, gender roles, and more. Afterwards, PAVE members collaboratively wrote this poetic reflection on the experience of learning side by side and coming together as a team.
I have learned how to respect all people and the boundaries they set,
the importance of warning signs.
Abuse can’t be generalized.
Something that really stuck with me from training was the gender box activity, and just recognizing how issues like racism, homophobia, sexism, and abuse in relationships are all intertwined through oppression and discrimination, and how if you want to fight or solve one of those problems, you need to address and fight them all.
I gain new perspectives on the materials we discuss. While I may present information, the conversations we have about the information is something you can’t teach. I am grateful for the opportunity to strengthen my facilitation skills and also get a refresher on topics that may be further back in memory.
I’m really excited to teach classes for PAVE in the future because there’s a lot of great information that I learned from the training and I want to share it with others. It will feel great to pass on such important concepts to kids that will or do need it.
I will use this with my family and friends.
I feel I come out stronger every time I take a risk and practice being a leader.
We especially need connection always but also during COVID-
it’s how we survive.
What makes you come alive?